About us
UPJ – Network for corporate responsibility and social commitment
We are working towards a sustainable society in which companies conduct their business responsibly and address social challenges in cooperation with other players within civil society, politics and public administration. www.upj.de
UPJ Pro Bono Rechtsberatung
The Latin term ‘pro bono publico’ means ‘for the public good’.
Together with Pro Bono Deutschland e.V. and participating law firms, UPJ has been strengthening the potential of pro bono legal advice in the non-profit sector since 2018
In addition to matching NPOs with law firms providing advice on specific legal issues, UPJ also organises events to support NPOs and interested law firms in establishing successful pro bono partnerships.
In carrying out this offer, UPJ is supported by the following organisations and law firms:
UPJ receives professional assistance from the following law firms:
Would you be interested in contributing as a law firm or also financially supporting pro bono work? UPJ is always delighted to welcome new funding partners. Please e-mail us: probono@upj.de
»Gelungene Zusammenarbeit« Der Paritätische Bayern, June 2023
»I4U – Rechtshilfe für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine« BBE – Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement, August 2022.
„azur“ JUVE-Karriereportal für junge Juristen, April 2021
Berliner Anwaltsblatt,
December 2020
„HAVinfo“, Hrsg. Hamburgischer Anwaltverein, June 2020